Game Designer


Out now on iOS & Android! For only $0.99

Kickback is a skill-based mobile arcade game where you rack up high score by controlling a spaceship’s movement with the kickback of your shots.

The game has a retro neon 80’s aesthetic, visual unlockables, multiple enemies types, and it becomes faster and harder.

Roles: Game designer, producer, UI/UX designer, 2D artist, VFX artist, QA.


Tiles is an original abstract strategy board game similar to Go and Chess where you eliminate other players from the game by capturing their Player Tile.

The game has local multiplayer functionality up to 4 friends, Ai players , 2 modes of play, auditive cues (in an attempt to create accessibility features that are part of the game design).

Roles: Game designer, producer, UI/UX designer, 2D artist, QA.

Out now on iOS & Android! For only $1.99

Global Game Jam prototype! Playable


Photon Blast is a competitive hockey-esque arcade game where two players score points by pushing a puck towards a goal with particle wave emitters.

The game has local multiplayer functionality up to 2 friends, it has multiple spawning power-ups, and controller functionality (only controllers 😅).

Roles: Game designer, 2D artist, SFX, QA.

Games I've worked in

Kickback Ultra

Arcade game. Now on iOS & Android ($0.99)

Tiles Board Game

Board game. Now on iOS & Android ($1.99)

Recoil Blast

Arcade game. Now on the Play Store! (Free)

Photon Blast

Global Game Jam prototype ( Playable )

Chain Clash

Class prototype ( Playable )

Game Concepts

Wizard arena

  • Gesture-based elemental spell system with interactivity.
  • Wizardry battle arena.
  • Platform: Mobile.
  • Input: Touch.

World Tag

  • Tag in a shrinking world.
  • Obstacle avoidance.
  • Platform: PC.
  • Input: Controller.

Relics Of the Unnamed Land

  • MMO without PvP.
  • Permanent death mechanics with emphasis on adventure & discovery.
  • Platform: PC.
  • Input: Controller, Mouse & Keyboard.

SPring knight

  • Educational physics platformer.
  • Narrative-based.
  • Platform: PC.
  • Input: Controller.

A. Expression Wars

  • Educational card game.
  • Learn equations with fun gameplay.
  • Platform: Tabletop.
  • Input: Cards.

SuperStar Ghost Legend

  • Story-based Shoot'em Up with morality dependent upgrades.
  • Ethereal mechanics for obstacle avoidance.
  • Platform: Web, PC, and Mobile.
  • Input: Touch, Mouse & Keyboard.

UI & UX Work

Kickback UI & UX

Tiles UI & UX


D&D Encounter Runner UI Concept


Rogue Priest, Pixel Art.

Mechanical Lizards, Pixel Art.

Gladiator Cleaver, Model & Texture.

Velka, Model.